Newsletter #3 :12/14/2019

Word Count: 74 Words, Reading Time: 2 Minutes

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Fulton County Open Records Request:

September 11, 2019







September 11, 2019






Fulton County Open Records Request:  Jully 5, 2021






July 6, 2021: Madam District Attorney Fani T. Willis













September 27, 2019







November 8, 2019

2019: Fulton County Conviction Integrity Unit [CIU] Established to Exonerate Leo Frank

Word Count: 5210 Words, Reading Time: 18 Minutes


DA Paul Howard's Conviction Review Unit to Start With Wayne Williams Case; ALM Media Monday, Apr 29, 2019

Fulton County DA to reexamine Wayne Williams and Leo Frank Cases; Atlanta Journal and Constitution, May 7, 2019; Christian Boone

After 106 years, Leo Frank could have another day in court

Marietta Daily Journal, June 16, 2019; Jon Gillooly

Leo Frank case continues to fascinate

Marietta Daily Journal June 20, 2019; Ross Williams


Phagan Family: CIU met in secret with ADL, Rabbi Steven Lebow and former Governor Roy Barnes using political bullying to exonerate Leo Frank

Phagan Family’s Statement on the Latest Attempt to Exonerate Leo Frank
It was reported in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution that on April 26, 2019 [ironically 106 years to the day] after Mary Phagan's murder] that the Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard
[defeated by Fani Willis on November 6, 2020] had established a “Conviction Integrity Unit” that he said would review the Leo Frank
conviction of 1913. Those named as participants in this move were the following:
Former Governor Roy Barnes
Rabbi Steven Lebow
Attorney Dale Schwartz
Melissa D. Redmon, director of the University of Georgia Law School
Former Supreme Court Justice Leah Ward Sears
Former Court Chief Justice Norman Fletcher
Former Cobb County Superior Court Chief Judge J. Stephen Schuster
Assistant District Attorney Van Pearlberg

The Family of Mary Phagan believes that these individuals have “colluded” since August of 2018 to find a way to vacate the murder conviction. ADL attorney Dale Schwartz was quoted thus: “we’re still trying to get a new trial that would, in effect, exonerate him.” [In 1914, several attempts were made to “exonerate” Leo Frank using “new evidence "that included witness affidavits later found to
have been forged or obtained by bribery and other illegal means. See the Atlanta Constitution of May 5, 1914, p. 1.]

Clearly, the new agency was a blatantly political scheme that had nothing to do with justice. It was set up, it appears, at the behest of the above-mentioned Frank advocates for one purpose only—to help Leo Frank escape culpability for his crime. According to the
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (May 7, 2019), Fulton County D.A. Paul Howard stated, “The Frank Case helped inspire the creation of the new unit” and that former Gov. Roy Barnes “will serve as a consultant.” Barnes admitted that he “had lobbied the district attorney [Howard] to re-examine Frank’s case.”

Let us be clear what that means.  Those statements alone convince us that the conviction Integrity Unit has already determined the outcome of the Leo Frank case. According to the article, “Barnes said he is convinced that this will happen. ‘There is no doubt in my mind, and we’ll [Who is “we?”] prove it at the appropriate time, that Frank was not guilty.’”

For years Roy Barnes has been promoting a fraudulent narrative about the Frank case, and in particular that the 1913 trial was illegitimate because verdict it was “mob dominated.” He said that “there were just mobs of people. And as the jury would go [to]
the courthouse every day, the mob would scream, "Hang the Jew or we'll hang you!"1 This charge is a blatant lie that has been disproven by the scholars of the case. It was made up long after the trial by an overzealous writer trying to make a name for himself. Only Barnes continues to repeat it. For this and many other reasons Governor Roy Barnes is simply unfit to participate in any serious inquiry into the Leo Frank case.

Once again, most advocates and so-called experts who determine Leo Frank is not guilty have relied on blatantly false information and politically biased propaganda. Frank’s conviction was upheld by thirteen separate courts and judges in his thirteen appeals from
Fulton County to the United States Supreme Court. Every court affirmed the trial was fair and the jury was not “mob terrorized.”

What’s more, driven by the need to exonerate a Jewish leader, they intend to convict an innocent African American man, James Conley—Frank’s employee that he ordered to help move the body. They ignore the 20 young girls and women who testified under oath that Frank sexually harassed them at the factory. Frank’s attorneys refused to cross-examine ANY of them, and later admitted that they were all telling the truth.

These sources—and many, many more like them—use to be available on the internet until very recently. Indeed, the books, videos, articles, and court documents that provide a balanced view of the case have been systematically removed from the internet
No Longer Available
• Original articles from the three major dailies covering
the day-by-day progress of the case (removed from
• Videos from YouTube that challenge the false idea that Leo Frank was “wrongly convicted.
• Official case documents like the Brief of Evidence, the appeals filings, and the published trial records have been scrubbed from the internet.
• Books that prove Leo Frank’s guilt and provide a serious case analysis have been banned and censored. My 1987 book titled The Murder of Little Mary Phagan has been removed from some websites where it was previously available for years. The Nation of Islam’s recent book Leo Frank: The Lynching of a Guilty Man
has been mysteriously banned from sale on
• Google searches EXCLUDE articles and documents that show evidence of Frank’s guilt.
• When we made an Open Records Request to the University of Georgia, they first said 70 records match the request. When we paid to have them mailed to us, all of a sudden, all 70 records vanished with no explanation!
Fortunately for the Fulton County Conviction Integrity Unit, the public and the media will still be able to access those critical official documents that the Leo Frank crusaders are trying to hide. We have made them available at where we believe
they will be safe from the Leo Frank censors and their internet cleansing campaign.

Fulton County District Attorney, Paul Howard was defeated in the last election but the Conviction Integrity Unit he set up is still operating under the new District Attorney Fani Willis. Ms. Fani Willis might do well to ask why the original documents in the case all of a sudden have been removed from the internet, and who had the power to remove them and why. How can the case be carefully reviewed without them? Indeed, the books, videos, articles, and court documents that provide a full and balanced view of the case have been systematically removed SINCE THE CONVICTION INTEGRITY UNIT WAS ANNOUNCED!!!

Obviously, Truth has become offensive or objectionable and has been deemed “hate speech” in order to impose censorship.


1 Watch this video at 1:40 mark:








All right, good afternoon! Thank you everybody for joining us despite the rain and the cold. I'm Jack Saw. I'm the president of Historians in Law School. It's a student organization here at school and we're
excited, together with the school, and with the help of our dean, Kathy Cox, to be sponsoring this event. And we're excited to see such a good turnout, including my fellow students and alumni.
Welcome back and welcome home. And current attorneys here in town. So I'll turn it over to Dean Kathy Cox to introduce our speaker.
Thank you, Jack and good afternoon to all of you. I want to say a special word of welcome to Judge Hugh Lawson. We are always glad to have you here judge and to my friend and fellow public service
former state representative, Larry Walker, from Perry who served in the Georgia legislature with Governor Barnes and we were glad that both of you could be here along with so many other friends,
alumni and students today. It's a real pleasure to introduce you to former governor Roy Barnes.

Governor Barnes is a lifelong resident of Cobb County, Georgia. He is a “double dog,” having earned his history degree and his law degree from the University of Georgia and the Georgia law school. He
first went to work as a prosecutor in the Cobb County District Attorney's office after graduating from law school before opening his own law firm in Marietta where he continues to practice today.
The political bug bit him really early. He was elected to the Georgia Senate at age 26 becoming the youngest member of the state senate at the time. He served eight terms in the Georgia State Senate,
rising into numerous leadership positions and also being appointed as chairman of the Select Commission on Constitutional Revision, which rewrote the Georgia Constitution in 1983. So if any of you students want to know any interpretation about the Georgia Constitution, he's your guy! (At least my view)

He made his first bid for the governorship in 1990 and was unsuccessful in a primary Zell Miller who went on to win. But Roy Barnes came back two years later and was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives where I got the chance to serve with him in the House and as a member of the House Judiciary Committee along with state representative, Walker.

In 1998 Governor Barnes was elected as the 80th governor of Georgia. He made education reform and
improvements to education, public education, in Georgia a hallmark of his administration with efforts
to reduce class sizes all over the state, raise accountability standards, require more discipline in
classrooms, and other reforms. He also concentrated on health care reform and remedies for urban
growth and sprawl. He took on the very controversial issue of re moving the Confederate Battle Flag from the Georgia state flag and he won that battle, changing the Georgia flag, but many believe that
battle played a big role in his defeat for reelection in 2002. Nevertheless, he was awarded in 2003 the John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage award for his leadership in that effort.
Upon his defeat in 2002 Governor Barnes did something that really surprised the legal community. He did not go back to Marietta to start making money. He instead went to work for the Atlanta Legal Aid
office as a full-time volunteer, for the next 6 months, committing his efforts and providing one of the strongest signals possible about what lawyers really owe their profession and the community.
He did eventually return to private practice of law where he has continued to work as one of the most successful trial lawyers in Georgia and the southeast. He's known for successfully handling personal injury, wrongful death, and medical malpractice cases along with mass tort cases and complex business disputes. There's a pretty well-known saying in Georgia that if you're in trouble, you want Roy Barnes on your side and you don't want to have to fight against him.




Roy Barnes Mercer Law School (November 12, 2019)

The commentary here within was submitted by a history student of the Phagan-Frank murder case, who is an anonymous insider in the government of Georgia. The Phagan-Frank case--she reports--was a pivotal and unspeakable crime which took place during the early teen years of the 1900s. This "incognito" will be updating us on developments regarding the corrupt Atlanta Georgia "Conviction Integrity Unit" (CIU hereafter) which is presently reviewing Leo Frank's 1913 conviction and planning on issuing a statement that his guilty verdict should be overturned.




Bell-Jones Courtroom

Mercer Law School

Macon GA 31207


Time: Tuesday, November 12, 2019, Noon -- 1:00 P.M.


Leo Frank's High Profile Advocate: Roy Barnes


Roy Barnes, since its Spring of 2019, inception, has been serving as senior adviser for CIU and has been serving in an ongoing effort as a zealous public relations tour mouthpiece for exceedingly biased Leo Frank advocacy immediately after CIU's formation. Barnes' Leo Frank activism has at times veered into the territory of extremist Frankite* propaganda.


Frankite* is a specific term to accurately describe individuals or clusters of people who typically are college educated and fanatically willing to go to the furthest efforts to trick people into thinking Leo Frank was wrongfully convicted. The behavior requires an extraordinary amount of self-deception, flagrant dishonesty, lack of self-reflection, and unwillingness to dispassionately examine the trial evidence. For the Frankite, their partisan emotions and tribalist feelings, not facts are what should decide whether Leo Frank is innocent or guilty. They often invoke the term "anti-Semitism" when they are unable to form arguments to defend their opinions on the Leo Frank trial


Conviction Integrity Unit's Auspicious Beginnings, Dateline 2019


The CIU was formed under GA State mandate through the Atlanta District Attorney Paul Howard, who during its nascent beginnings started building a committee of social justice warrior (SJW) activists to review controversial criminal cases. When he announced who would be part of his tribunal it read like a handcrafted A-list of race-based activists.


The Real Agenda, Under the Fascade of a Noble Cause


While it might agreeably and fairmindedly seem like a noble cause to review true-crimes with new eyes, its carefully selected members apparently have very specific agendas other than being impartial and dispassionate advocates for justice. Surprisingly, no attempt was made to conceal the underlying core reason why the CIU intentionally came to being. It was revealed early-on to the media that the CIU would review many controversial cases, but that its central creation was initially inspired by the Leo Frank case, which would be given its most careful consideration. They brazenly admitted as much with no thoughts of reservation as if only one outcome was self-evident.


The Paparazzi


When the CIU's formation was pre-announced to the press, the media was front and center when the official announcements were made from pulpit of jurisprudence at the District Attorney office.


At its inaugural event, April 26, 2019 (hideously the 106th anniversary of Mary Phagan's sex-murder), press snapshooters took photographs of those in attendance, and there was not a single person present on behalf of the victim Mary Phagan, but at that event and forth coming meetings, numerous prominent Leo Frank activists, from Rabbi Steven Lebow to ADL executive Shelley Rose can be seen sitting together, giggling in anticipation like a bunch of highschool girls huddling together over gossip (captured in media photos and included among the collection here within).


The People of Georgia, Exhausted and Reticent


The people of Georgia see the Conviction Integrity Unit as injustice personified in the making; undoing the original two years of judicial review from 1913-1915, in the name of political correctness and virtue-signaling.


It is important to restate, no efforts are being made to hide the pre-ordained recommendations the CIU plans to finally make on the Leo Frank case. Paul Howard's righthand man, Roy Barnes, is admittedly biased on the lynching victim's behalf, but is supposedly expected to be unbiased when reviewing the associated 1913 Mary Phagan murder trial and ensuing appeals (1913-1915) in the immediate aftermath of Leo Frank's conviction.


Though it pretended to be evenhanded for appearances from its inception, it was understood the CIU was not meant to be a fair-minded tribunal seeking the impartial truth, but one with a baked-in agenda. The clandestine agenda of CIU became decidedly crystal-clear as to its specific intentions, when its leading spokesman, Roy Barnes, started a fresh campaign of going around at continuing education forums promoting bona fide hate crime hoaxes to sway pubic opinion in favor of Leo Frank and provide justification for the eventual decision of the CIU in favor of Leo Frank's vindication, which will in reality amount to one of most egregious violations of human rights for children, who were sexually assaulted and murdered by rapist-pedophile sex killers.


Media Interviews Ongoing


The exoneration of the homicidal serial pedophile, Leo Frank, convicted for the sodomy and strangulation of Mary Phagan, has become the glib supposition and forgone conclusion for Roy Barnes in his hammy media interviews. Barnes' ongoing missionary work to educate the masses about Leo Frank is giving the appearance to mainstream Americans, that he is trying to plant false ideas in the minds of Georgians who will be directly impacted by the erroneous forthcoming exoneration of Leo Frank.


The Callous Disregard


For people outside the state of Georgia, it's obvious what Roy Barnes is trying to do with his repeated statements, which is to justify support for the clandestine recommendation at the final reviewing of Leo Frank's criminal case. There can not be a mustard seed of doubt, Leo Frank is going to be exonerated, and to make it palatable, Barnes is tricking people into thinking the jury was tampered with during the full length of the trial by throngs of terrorists. Barnes is using the oldest and dirtiest trick in the history of propaganda, which is to recursively create imagery in the minds of those willing to hear, and that conjured vision will become, undoubtedly, plausible false illusions and easily repeatable by those who willingly imbibe the artificial projections in their mind's eye.


The Backstory


Roy Barnes is a former alt-left Governor of Georgia, and a long-time Marietta attorney who caters predominantly a select clientele. Barnes is fond of virtue-signaling that his wife is a familial descendant to one of Leo Frank's lynchers, and so in an ingratiating fashion he regresses to the mean to let everyone know in supposition he intends to seek justice for Leo Frank, and that Mary Phagan the victim is just an afterthought, a throw-away-detail or irrelevant plot device.


The Barnes Hate Crime Hoax Caught on Film


Barnes made himself infamous when on May 7th, 2019, when he was shown during a segment on the mainstream TV channel 11 Alive, to be promoting viciously anti-Gentile and racist propaganda, falsely accusing crowds of European-American Southerners with terrorizing the Leo Frank trial jury with direct threats of mass murder (watch the video, you have to see it to believe it). In case the video gets deleted as an action to cover-up for Roy Barnes' nefarious activities, we are calling on people to make backups of the segment.


Power Behind the Throne


Roy Barnes, and ADL Attorney Dale Schwartz are regularly credited with helping found the CIU behind the scenes, launching itself hideously on the 106th anniversary of Mary Phagan's untimely rape and strangulation. Her murder occurred where the dystopian-looking Sam Nunn government building complex stands today in the capitol. Before being demolished in the 1950s, standing at 80 feet wide and 200 feet deep was a 4-story old pile of bricks, formerly called the "Old Venable" building. It had been at the time of the sex-murder, been occupied by National Pencil Company (1908-1916). The building had at one time been horse carriage storage facility and another time a rooming house. Because of the stigma associated with Leo Frank's sex crimes and lynching, the executive leadership of National Pencil Company decided in 1916 it was best if it sold itself off to be absorbed into another company with a different name which was unrelated in anyway. This way any lingering negative reputation would be wiped clean.


Roy Barnes' 2019 bully pulpit for the movement to set aside Leo Frank's 1913 conviction.


While standing at a podium during a conviction integrity unit public meeting in the capitol of Georgia, he disgracefully told the audience -- while being filmed -- some of the most hideously racist lies, to paraphrase:


that mobs of people outside the Fulton county courthouse were threatening the Mary Phagan murder trial jury with being strangled to death by a dozen hangman's nooses if they didn't convict the defendant Leo Frank by the end of his trial.


These terrorist threats supposedly happened, not just once, but literally, each and every single morning (July 29th - August 25th, 1913), during their public service as jurors, as they walked to the courtroom from the well known, New Kimball House Hotel to the temporary Fulton County Superior Courthouse (Formerly the Old City Hall and postal mail center for Atlanta).


Scholars of Jurisprudence Debunk Roy Barnes' False Statements Via 1913-1915 Legal Records of Case


Research scholars have scoured the 2,500 pages of official Leo Frank appeals records to the State, District and Federal Courts, and found not a single mention of any throngs of people outside the courthouse each and every morning making collective death threats at the jury as Barnes claimed.


Historian Researchers Debunk Roy Barnes' False Statements Via Newspaper Accounts From 1913


Historian scholars scoured the Atlanta newspaper daily reports of the Mary Phagan murder trial, as there were many journalists reporting outside the courthouse and inside the courtroom documenting the trial events in meticulous details. There are no press reports extant from July through August 1913 of crowds of people shouting terroristic threats at the jury each and every morning, nor at the presiding judge Leonard Roan, or the 200+ people sitting in the courtroom. The ADL website claims these threats were shouted audibly through the open windows of the courthouse, where the trial proceedings were taking place.


Roy Barnes has been caught red handed making false statements, to justify the CIU having been from its very inception a kangaroo activist committee whose intention is to dishonorably corrupt the judicial system regarding the Leo Frank trial.


Genealogy of Barnes' Hate Crime Hoax


We live in an age where it is safe to dehumanize Christians and especially White people. Barnes' vile racist defamation levied against European-American and Christian Southerners seems to have earlier origins. Barnes anti-Gentile canard of terrorist hatred was not born with him, if we look into the matters historicity. It appears the anti-Gentile canard was scholarly-popularized by Jewish activist professor Leonard Dinnerstein (1934-2019), in the American Jewish Archive Journal of November 1968, the article in question was titled -- Leo M. Frank and The American Jewish Community. Vol. 20, No 2.


Regarding the root source of this issue, there are thought to be even earlier origins and that it was first started by Jewish-American activist authors the Samueles who wrote the 1956 dell book, "Night Fell on Georgia".


Dates of the 21st-Century Leo Frank Carnival Sideshow, On Tour


Barnes as of 2019 has been going around speaking at law schools to promote his efforts for getting Leo Frank exonerated 106 years after he was convicted (1913, 2019), 104 years (1915, 2019) after the Supreme Court of the United States rejected Leo Frank's final frivolous appeal and put an end to his estoppel.


Violence Directed Against Convicted Criminals, Does Not Retroactively Invalidate Their Jury Convictions


The lynching of Leo Frank was immoral, illegal, unacceptable, and unethical, but crimes committed against convicted homicidal child molesters, do not retroactively nullify their jury rendered convictions for their unlawful actions of sexually assaulting and murdering children.


The Shame-Inducing "Pardoned Without Exoneration"


In 1986, Leo Frank was pardoned posthumously on a technicality, but not because of any new credible or compelling evidence for his innocents. In a strange turn of events, his conviction was not overturned and his guilty status remained. This was a frustrating turn of events for ADL of B'nai B'rith, Atlanta Jewish Federation and American Jewish Committee who had invested enormous financial resources and manpower over 4-years (1982-1986) in a monumental effort to have Leo Frank's criminal conviction rendered no-longer valid.


The unintended setback was so embarrassing that Jewish groups setup a number of historical marker plaques to re-write the history of the case with anti-Gentilism and falsely claim anti-Semitism to invalidate the trial. One of these propaganda historical markers was hideously setup at the Old Marietta Cemetery where Mary Phagan is buried, the first version of the historical marker announced that Leo Frank was pardoned but also mentioned it was without exoneration, but then shortly thereafter the Jewish group that set it up had the plaque changed, removing the textual part where he wasn't exonerated. Let that sink in, they changed the sign to sanitize it. The obvious intention was that most people would not look deeper into the matter and thus would presume if it only said he was pardoned, many people would just think he simply wasn't guilty of the crime anymore. And in fact, the people who changed the marker turned out to be correct, when they took away the fact from the sign that he wasn't exonerated, people who read the text of it presumed that the convicted killer simply wasn't guilty anymore, even though officially the state still recognizes Leo Frank as guilty. The fact of the matter is 99% of the people who read the sanitized sign will never investigate any further that is of course until the Internet became so widespread people could learn about the case from their smartphones.


Despite the setback, the Jewish activist groups privately vowed to never give up and we know this because these groups continue to fund media and school teaching materials to mainstream Leo Frank's martyrdom. Articles on Leo Frank published on ADL's website promote the hate crime hoaxes of Leonard Dinnerstein which are fabricated to invalidate his trial. ADL also created a teaching guide to the Leo Frank case, and partially funded the 2009 docudrama on the case called People versus Leo Frank (Ben Loeterman, Steve Oney).


The Jewish leaders who secured this pardon through political pressure have been bitter over the mixed results and decided instead of it being interpreted with negativity as a half-measure, they would redouble their efforts and interpret it as a stepping stone bringing them closer to exoneration. They have also recommitted themselves to continue their multigenerational agitation until their grandee is vindicated in full


Leo Frank is still officially recognized by the Georgia Supreme Court, the Fulton County Superior Court and the United States Supreme Court as having been duly convicted, because his guilty verdict was never disturbed, even as of 2019, while the CIU works behind the scenes to subvert justice.


Georgia's Coming Kangaroo Court


Barnes' disinformation war meant to rehabilitated Leo Frank makes sense in light of media reports of CIU associates who are stating they intend to get the guilty verdict nullified at a court somewhere in present-day Georgia. Read that last sentence again, you read that right, they're actually going to try and find a judge in Georgia who will give Leo Frank a new trial and then declare him innocent because he is unable to attend the proceedings. Yeah, it's literally stranger than fictions and pure evil.


If there weren't media reports to back this up, I wouldn't even believe it myself, but associates and supporters of the CIU have stated publicly they intend to take the final pre-decided statement of the CIU on the Leo Frank case and hand deliver it to a Georgia Judge who is going to overturn his conviction, but first calling for a new unconstitutional trial of a man deceased more than 100 years ago. A new trial for a convicted killer where all the witnesses and the former defendant himself are all long dead.


The Kangaroo Judge of Georgia


Who is this Kangaroo Judge who will grant a new trial to a dead man in the year 2020 or thereafter on behalf of the District Attorney's CIU?


We call on the Government of Georgia to have him or her removed from his or her post as a Judge and we call on the Georgia bar to revoke his or her law license.


To grant a new trial to a dead man is unconstitutional.


Efforts to subvert justice for Mary Phagan continues today full speed ahead, by credentialed activists with a variety of university degrees and membership in powerful organizations, people who are willing to engage in academic dishonesty and disgrace their honor in the virtue-signaling game of political expediency, willing to put religion in some cases and political correctness in other cases above justice.


#MeToo Movement Fight Back


Seen in the picture at the front row with platinum and dark ash blonde hair, is Mary Phagan Kean (born June 5th, 1954) the namesake of the 1913 victim, she was present to observe the canned meeting and listen to Barnes counterfeit the evidence of the case. The Phagan family is naturally furious that Roy Barnes is using his social gravitas as an attorney and former Governor to fallaciously manufacture new evidence about the early 20th-century criminal case, in an effort to bamboozle the public into accepting an unjustified exculpation of Leo Frank the Toilet Strangler.


See the Phagan family response on Facebook: given the censorship prevalent on FB there is a risk that page could be deleted. Barnes must have his law license revoked. A committee of Georgian's is getting ready to file ethics complaints against Roy Barnes, to the State Barr, seeking to have his license to practice law revoked for promoting racist hate crime hoaxes in 2019.


+ + + + +




Former Georgia Governor. Roy Barnes visited Mercer Law students on Tuesday. He discussed his efforts to reopen one of Georgia’s most notorious lynchings. Barnes works as a consultant to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Conviction Integrity Unit to review old cases. THE CASE The cases of Leo Frank, a factory superintendent who was lynched in Marietta in the early 1900s. This followed the commutation of his death sentence, for killing a 13-year-old female employee in the factory he managed. Barnes also discussed the evidence and process of the case for the possible exoneration of Frank.




Article: Former Governor Roy Barnes Discusses Leo Frank Case at Mercer Law School


VIDEO: Former Governor Roy Barnes at Mercer Law School, November 2019


VIDEO (Recommended): 11Alive Roy Barnes, May 7th 2019


Mercer University Law School


One of the original sources of the hate-crime hoax Roy Barnes is promulgating was by quack-historian and Jewish activist Leonard Dinnerstein in the American Jewish Archive Journal, of Nov. 68, V. 20. No. 2., found here: If the link provided is censored you can also find the item elsewhere on the Internet.


More related research:


Leo Frank Scholarly Research Library


Leo Frank Archive:


Further Information about Mary Phagan (1899 - 1913) by the modern-day Phagan Family:


The Little Mary Phagan Memorial and Research Website (Founded in 2019)


Lecture Event Location:


Bell-Jones Courtroom

Mercer Law School

Macon GA 31207


Event Time: Tuesday, November 12, 2019, Noon -- 1:00 P.M.




Another source of the hate crime hoax about people suborning perjury of witnesses in the courtroom through anti-Semitic terrorist threats come from, "Night Fell on Georgia, 1956, page 39" written by two Jewish activists, by the Samuels.


Direct source of the hoax framed as Jury tampering: American Jewish Archives Journal, November 1968, Leo M. Frank and the Jewish Community by Leonard Dinnerstein